Current UK Terror Threat Level
Substantial: an attack is likely

Contact Us

Please get in touch today to discuss your requirements

We would love to hear from prospective customers, irrespective of your industry, the service you require, or the size of your account. If you are concerned about a risk to person or property, please utilise the contact form below to get in touch and one of our security specialists will be in touch shortly. You can also ring our Head Office on 01206 793 673.

If you are interested in joining Oakpark Security, please visit the ‘Vacancies’ page to browse our current opportunities.

Get in touch with any questions

Head Office

Colchester (Head) Office
Unit B5, Parkside, Knowledge Gateway, Nesfield Road, Colchester, CO4 5ZL
01206 793 673 (24hr Operations)

Regional Offices

Portsmouth Regional Office
Suite 12A, Arena Building, 25 Barnes Wallis Road, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5TT
Bury St Edmunds Regional Office
35 Eastern Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AB
Norwich Regional Office
Suite G6, Crafton House, Rosebery Business Park, Mentmore Way, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7XP
Cambridge Regional Office
Future Business Centre, Kings Hedges Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HY