Current UK Terror Threat Level
Substantial: an attack is likely

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Our Latest News and Events

After going through the requisite assessment of experience, qualifications and professional training, two of Oakpark Security's senior team have been …


Oakpark Security are delighted to announce the opening of a new Norwich Regional Office to accommodate the growth of our Mobile Response network in …

A strong month for our Business Development team has seen a number of new customers added to our Mobile Response portfolio in Suffolk. Our Business …

Oakpark Security have been providing uniformed security officers to businesses in Colchester for over 25 years and continue to be the largest …

Our Mobile Solutions team are pleased to have added to two new Vacant Property accounts to our portfolio of customers this week. The first contract …

After three days of auditing from awarding body ISOQAR, Oakpark Security has been awarded an improved +168 score as part of our membership of the …

This week saw the first batch of Oakpark Security staff complete their one-day Project Griffin workshop with the City of London Police. Managers and …

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