Increased Benchmark Score in ACS Audit Keeps Oakpark in Top 5%

27th Aug 2018

Last month Oakpark Security undertook our annual external assessment as required by our membership of the Security Industry Authority’s Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS).

The ACS is a voluntary scheme designed to establish baseline performance standards in regulated industry practice and to recognise areas of ‘best practice’ for companies within the private security industry. Only organisations that meet these standards, and continue to do so when inspected annually, are awarded Approved Contractor status, and may advertise themselves as such.

After a three-day audit that included site visits to a number of our customers across Suffolk and interviews with ten staff from across the company, Oakpark Security were awarded a score of 160. We also received two commendations for ‘best practice’ which related to our investment in digitisation of processes and our expanded learning & development initiatives.

Our score of 160 represents an increase of five points from the previous year’s audit and keeps Oakpark Security firmly in the top 5% of all ACS-accredited companies. It also allows OAkpark Security to retain our membership of the ACS Pacesetters scheme which represents the top scoring 15% of all companies in the ACS Scheme.

