ACS Audit 2019 Confirms Oakpark Security in Top 5%

05th Jul 2019

The first week of July saw Oakpark Security undertake our annual external assessment as required by our membership of the Security Industry Authority’s Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS).

The ACS is a voluntary oversight program developed by the Security Industry Authority designed to establish baseline performance standards in the delivery of outsourced security services and to recognize areas of ‘best practice’ for companies within the private security industry. Only organisations that meet these standards, and continue to do so when inspected annually, are awarded Approved Contractor status, and may advertise themselves as such.

This year’s rigorous three day audit included sampling of our key control procedures, assessment of our employee vetting and screening processes, and compliance with the Private Security Industry Act. Our auditors also conducted interviews with several members of staff from different levels of the business, including visits to our frontline staff across Essex and Suffolk.

Under the new Approved Contractor Scheme scoring system introduced in April 2019, there is a maximum possible score of +145 for those assessed under ACS criteria (with zero deemed as the satisfactory level of accreditation). At the close of our audit, Oakpark Security received a score of +131 which firmly places the business in the top 5% of all ACS accredited companies.

Our score of +131 also allows Oakpark Security to retain its membership of the ACS Pacesetters group which represents the top scoring 15% of all companies in the ACS Scheme.

In an industry of almost 2300 companies, 750 of which are accredited as part of the Approved Contractor Scheme, Oakpark Security continues to be positioned as an industry ‘Pacesetter’ when assessed against the 78 criteria of the ACS.

Furthermore, we were also delighted to successfully secure re-accreditation to ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health & Safety) as part of a concurrent audit process conducted by the auditors provided by Alcumus ISOQAR.
